Monday, July 2, 2012

Livin' the good life

This past weekend was one of the greatest so far! But, I feel that I am going to say that about every weekend.. because they are all so fun and amazing. I am loving Okinawa more and more every day! 

On Saturday morning we left the barracks around 10.. and our Marine friend's named Andy & Cody escorted us to Forest Adventure Park about a half hour away from home in a town called Onna. We got there around 11, and the earliest we could book the ziplining excusion was 12:30, so we decided to go explore the beach nearby.. which happened to be right accross the road. The beach was really awesome! Me & Shelby hunted around for shells for awhile, and found some that were really pretty and a few bigger ones too. I could walk on the beach all day searching for the coolest shells.. When the time came, we headed back to the park and got shuttled to where the ziplining took place.. up in these woods that overlooked the ocean. It was sooo sweet. We took a mini learning course, so we were able to hook up our harnesses and clamps the right way.. (So, we wouldn't die) Then, the trainer just let us free. No tour guide or anything. It was kinda cool to be on our own doing something so scary. Ha Ha. The course was probably about 15 lines total.. and a free fall jump.. and an obstacle course. It took us 3 hours to complete!!!! Well worth the 3,500 yen that we paid. It was a lot of fun, but very very HOT. We were all dying of thirst and hunger by the end of the course. Andy knew of a great authentic fresh-every-day sushi restaurant. It was .. well, an experience to say the least. Definitely not American  sushi. We also tried raw fish eggs, and Breanna said she felt like she was eating pop rocks. LOL. Yep, totally the same thing! After dinner, we were going to go explore the falls, but we were all pretty tired, and wanted to head to Andy's beach house and relax on the beach. 

When we walked into the beach house it was sooooooo amazing. Modern style furniture, and a huge wall length window overlooking the ocean from the balcony. Basically a panoramic view. It definitely didn't get much better than that. We changed into our suits and headed down to the beach.. it was so close! We all wanted to live in this house.. no joke. We walked around, found some shells, cooled off in the water, and then headed back upstairs to shower. AND.. we got to shower with hot water and good water pressure.... my first good shower since back home. Sad.. our showers in the barracks are completely awful. I will be lucky to get luke warm water once a week... Seriously. I feel bad for some of the Marines having to deal with that for years. I can hardly deal with it a week. We got dressed, and Sarah and Hailey showed up to join us. We danced, hung out, and the boys grilled steaks and chicken on the balcony. Yummy! After that, we went down to the beach and they had started a bonfire. It was hot hot hot. Too hot for a bonfire when it was probably over 80 degrees already. We all just kinda chilled, and then all 6 of us crashed in the living room. 3 on the couch... That was me.. and the rest on the floor. Then, 5 am rolled around and we were all waken up by the sun shining straight in the huge window. Literally, we felt like we were all getting burnt through the glass. And, we couldn't really go back to sleep after that. We got home cooked breakfast and Starbucks and then went down to the beach to lay out. Me & Shelby decided we wanted to go snorkeling so Justin & Cody let us borrow their gear and they took us out a ways into the ocean. We saw lots of fish, starfish, and swam through a school of jellyfish! It was scary.. but very cool at the same time. The biggest one was about the size of my hand, but still.. scary! After that, we went upstairs and packed up our stuff and headed to Tadaki Falls. It was in the middle of nowhere basically, but there were hundreds of other people there in the falls also. It was about a mile walk through the rapids and rocks.. which was so much fun! We finally reached the giant fall and it was probably fourty feet high! Lots of people were climbng under it, and swimming in the little pool at the bottom. It was about 8 feet deep at some places, and it was really refreshing since it was fresh water. We walked up under the waterfall, and it was pouring down so hard it felt like needles on my back. Ouch! Then, everyone wanted to climb to the top.. which was veryyyy steep. I got blisters on my hands from the little ropes that people had tied to trees to make it easier to hike to the top. It literally seemed straight up at some places. But, the view from above was very worth it! I loved it! I can't wait to hike more waterfalls, especially since it was free! Afterwards, we got Blue Seal (The best icecream EVER) and headed home! 

Tonight, Breanna and I were cleaning out the huge bag of shells and wondered what smelled so bad.... we found two dead crabs.. YUCK! I washed them with soap, and I'm probably going to send them home this week a long with a few other gifts I've gotten for my family. Only one more day of work, and then we have a day off! So excited.

On Wednesday.. the 4th of July.. all of us Foster girls got invited to Addison's house for a beach day/cookout since we don't have work. Addison is an 8-year-old girl from the center and her parents invited us all over. How nice! I'm super excited. There is also a festival, carnival, and tons and tons of fireworks that I am looking forward to! It's going to be so much fun, I can't wait! 


View from the Beach House! 

Tadaki Falls

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