Friday, June 29, 2012

Camp A Presents

Today was the last day of our second week of camp! This week went a lot quicker and smoother than the very first week. The kids are all getting used to us being there, and also getting used to the Camp A routine every day. A lot of memorable things have happened these first two weeks, and I am beginning to become really close to a lot of the kids. The theme this week was Earth Friendly Extravaganza, and we focused on teaching the kids about the Earth, how to help the Earth, and the benefits of recycling. A friendly recycling competition was held between the different groups, and a lot of stuff was collected. It was a really great turn out. The kids got really competitive, because kids love competition. I never mentioned this before, but my camp name is Miss Toad. Our counselor theme all summer is the Mario Kart world, so each counselor is a different Mario character, and our direction is Mr. Mario. It's a lot of fun, and the kids really enjoy our funny little nicknames. The kids didn't know my real name at first, but after a few counselors called me Taylor, on accident.. the kids think it's so cooool that they know my real name. All of them continue to call me Miss Toad, and it's really cute. I am becoming especially close with my small group.. which is the oldest kids. There are groups 1-8 .. 1 being the youngest 1st grader kids, and my group.. 8, which are the oldest 6th graders. I really enjoy being with the older kids because we can relate to a lot of things, and they can actually talk to me and hold a conversation.. as well as listen when directions are being told. Unlike the youngest kids. Ha ha. Yesterday was my very first encounter with a kid crying because of one of their parents. I figured this would happen eventually, but it made me especially sad because it was one of the older girls in my group. Her dad is stationed in the states, and she is living in Okinawa with her Mom. It was during me and Miss Luigi's Dance Club, and the song Pray by Justin Bieber started playing, and she started getting sad. It took her awhile to open up to me when I went and asked her what was wrong.. but I think she liked having someone to talk to. Then, today.. a few of the younger girls were sitting at an art table and started crying. Both of their dads are stationed in Kuwait, and they will be returning soon. I was told they have been gone since winter time.. so I'm sure the girls were just sad because it had been so long. A few of the counselors started tearing up and had to walk away. It's really hard to see kids in that situation, and just know that you can't do anything to make them happier. Trust me, we all would if we could. 

On Fridays at camp, we do this thing called Camp A presents.. which basically is a time in the afternoon where all the small groups, and club groups share what they have been working on all week. For small groups, its a poster with their weekly theme name, (Ours was the Great White Sharks for Deep Seas & Discoveries, and this week we were the Tree Huggers) and also a chant/song that is unique and shares our group name. Last week we made an awesome repeat-after-me style chant, and this week we made a song/dance to the song Dynamite by Taio Cruz. I downloaded the background music, and we added our own words to it. It was really awesome, and everyone seemed to think it was very creative! Also at Camp A presents, the counselor that was voted for by all the campers.. gets to be soaked by campers that have been following all the expectations all week long. Of course, I was chosen to be soaked today. Ha ha. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Miss Luigi (Breanna) was soaked last week and told me the water was freezing, but it actually wasn't too bad :) The kids really enjoy this time, because they can be silly and mess around without getting in trouble. Today was a lot of fun, and next week is Breanna and I's weekly theme.. Fabulous 4th Freedom Fest, for the 4th of July of course! We get Wednesday off work.. so that means beach day most likely! I'm super pumped. 

Overall, I am really enjoying camp and I know that it is only going to go uphill from here. I am going to take a lot out of this experience, and it is already flying by crazy fast! Cant't believe after next week, it's only 6 weeks left in Okinawa. So many memories are yet to come! 

Also, we visited the sea wall for the first time and watched the sunset on Sunset Beach! It was so beautiful.. :)

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