Sunday, July 29, 2012

Only 3 weeks left :(

This past week was a lot of fun! First off, I got killed in the Assassins game. I haven't blogged about this yet, so I should probably explain what it is. Basically, everyone in Camp A building 484 is assigned a person.. and that person has to be a secret. Well, in order to "Kill" your person, you place your Camp nametag lanyard around their neck. The game has been going on for a little over a week, and I made it past the halfway point. There was 18 killed, and 14 still alive.. so that's sorta impressive. I never got the chance to kill my person.. but my friend Sarah killed me very sneakily. :) It's a fun game, and there are only a few people left in the competition.

On Thursday, we had a camp wide activity planned called Tropic Thunder. All of the Day Camp and Aquatics counselors and life guards were placed on to four seperate teams and we performed challenges and team building activities. Our team name was the Howler Monkeys. Ha Ha. We were the blue team, so on Thursday we all decked out in blue, and painted our faces to look fierce. There was an obstacle course, an army crawl through the mud, a 10-legged foot race, dodge ball tournament, banana races, water balloon tosses, and of course the sharing of our team chant. The teams got very creative with this and it was super hilarious. My team ended up finishing first in the first obstacle course challenge and then second in the dodge ball tournament and banana races. It was a friendly competition, but a lot of people took it very seriously even thought I was just there for fun. :)

This weekend was super fun! We hung out with a few new marines friends we met who live on Foster. We hung at their place Friday night and they grilled out.. then we headed to Gate Two Street which is a lot of bars and dance clubs. Us girls had a lot of fun there! :)

On Saturday, we had a tour booked with MCCS that started at 10 am. We ended up staying at the beach house on Friday night, so we had to get up pretty early to get back to Foster for the tour.  It was a fun tour! We explored the west coast of the island, of course. The tour bus took us to Cape Manza Mo which was super pretty and scenic. There was also some shops there that were very cheap and I picked up a few souveniers for friends and family. Then the tour took us to the Okinawa Beer Garden for a buffet lunch which was super delicious! It was partially American food so that was yummy! After that, it took us to the Okinawa Sweets Factory which was also yummy! We got to try a lot of the Okinawan candies, and also try seaweed which was disgusting and tasted like salt water. Blek! That night we decided to just hang out in the beach house and relax and watch movies. I ended up passing out at 9, so it was an early night for me.

On Sunday, we were gonna go to a few beaches. We had all heard that White Beach was really pretty, so we wanted to check it out. When we got there no one was swimming... but it was beautiful! We found out that there was a jelly fish warning in the water, and swimming was banned until further notice. I was pretty bummed because there was a lot of small little islands not too far off the coast that would've been some awesome snorkeling! We ended up walking on the beach, and around the corner and found some awesome caves and some really pretty rocks and stuff. Shelby had her camera and took tons of pics. It was so hot though, we wanted to go somewhere where we could swim. Justin drove us to Kadena Marina and it was fun! A few of our Marine friends met us there and we played a few games of Sand volleyball. Breanna's legs got all cut up from diving in the sand. :/ But, otherwise it was all fun and games. We beat the boys the first game, then we kinda gave up! It was hot so we all went swimming, and there was an island that people were swimming out to. We then saw people jumping off of this cliff way up high. It was so fun! The water felt great! We left around 5 and then went to dinner at this amazing restuarant.. (probably my new favorite) called the Garlic House. I want to go back it was delicious!


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